Many people ask us to describe the medical examinations of our Medical Centre as well as the therapies regarding thyroid pathologies...
It is an important question to which we answer with pleasure. We also take an opportunity to give a more detailed explanation regarding the treatment of thyroid pathologies...
First of all, before talking about the kind of medical examination carried out at our Medical Centre, it is important to describe a conventional medical examination.
It is well known that in the vast majority of cases, patients find out that they suffer from thyroid problems by accident and at the beginning, in the field of conventional medicine, they are usually prescribed blood tests and/or ultrasound scans.
These two examinations can highlight a problem or more than a problem: for instance, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, nodules or even more than a problem at once (e.g. hypothyroidism + thyroiditis, thyroiditis + nodules or hypothyroidism + nodules).
All three problems often coexist.
In some cases, the endocrinologist prescribes further analyses, e.g. needle aspiration biopsy or scintigraphy.
Once all the useful data are obtained, the treatment starts with the prescription of the same kind of hormone for every disease: it is only necessary to decide the dose to be taken, usually starting from 25 or 50 mcg.
Generally, this dose is destined to be increased over time because the thyroid becomes more and more inactive and because doctors are more inclined to increase doses than to decrease them.
The vast majority of people take 75 or 100 mcg and many patients take even bigger quantities of hormones (many doctors set the dose according to the weight, that is to say, basing upon a quantitative factor and not upon a qualitative one).
But, beyond the hormonal dose, what is more important is that the same drug is prescribed for many different patients, leaving the specific pathology out of consideration.
In addition, it is well known that the hormone will have to be taken forever, therefore, the endocrinologist will simply have to change the dose to be taken; if TSH levels tend to be high, it is usually increased up to 25 mcg, whilst if TSH levels tend to be low, the dose is reduced down to 25 mcg; if TSH levels are normal, no changes are made. As you will see, it is not difficult.
The medical examination of a person who suffers from thyroid problems is easy: in short, blood tests and ultrasound scans are taken (rarely FNAB and scintigraphy), then, the patient will have to take the hormone and to undergo medical checkups for the rest of his/her life, with the only purpose to reduce the hormonal dose to be taken.
This is the conventional medical examination.
Thyroid and Integrated Medicine
At a Biological and Integrated Medicine Centre, the approach to thyroid pathologies is different; in fact, every patient is considered as different from any other patient.
In fact, nowadays, medicine is opening to some modern conceptions according to which the body cannot be regarded as a simple union of organs; according to modern scientific research, the body has to be considered as a complicated “cybernetic system” which is regulated by mechanical and chemical laws as well as and above all by physical and electromagnetic laws (just think about the electrocardiogram which tests the electric current produced by the heart).
Furthermore, today we know that each organ and each gland is not “detached” from the rest of the body as the various systems continuously exchange information.
Nowadays, these new medical conceptions are conveyed through new words such as “homeostasis”, “flow system”, “psycho-neuro-endocrinological-immunology”, “functional medicine”: however, any word or acronym is used to describe a concept according to which the body is a “complex system” where each organ and each gland shares a relationship with a whole.
We advise people who want to learn more about this matter to read the book titled “The Web of Life” by F. Capra, one of the most prominent living physicists.
Now, let’s make a practical example of the above; let’s suppose that due to a series of factors, a patient has altered his/her own balance (or homeostasis); it is clear that endocrine glands are deemed responsible, especially the thyroid. The most impressive example refers to suprarenal glands for which, in the Thirties, Hans Selye, who was awarded the Nobel prize in biochemistry, coined the word “stress”; this concept is illustrated in detail in the document regarding the “functional check-up”.
Analogously, in relation with the thyroid, if a series of factors (lifestyle, diet, metabolic type, energetic and constitutional characteristics, etc.) badly affect the body balance, it is clear that the thyroid gland itself will be deemed responsible because, while trying to protect the whole system, it may undergo functional damage (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or thyroiditis) or structural damages as well (nodules).
It is impossible to treat the thyroid without taking into consideration this complicated problem; in our opinion, “treating” really means helping the thyroid function well and, in cases where patients have taken the hormone (that is to say, in the vast majority of cases), rehabilitating the gland and letting it start again.
In the field of conventional medicine, the idea of “treating the person” does not exist and, for this reason, doctors are obliged to prescribe the hormone for the whole life of their patients. In addition, not only does the hormone “fail to treat” the thyroid, but it also obstacles its functioning, producing side effects as well (cardiovascular system, palpitations, hypertension, tension, overweight, etc.).
And, in any case, in order to be clearer, it is important to add that instead of prescribing the hormone, endocrinology itself could do something better. For instance, endocrinology could follow the “guidelines” regarding thyroid illnesses which have been issued by the Ministry of Health and published on the Internet in order to remind the drugs and supplements which alter the thyroid functioning.
The most interesting section of the document is the final part before the bibliography where there is a “summarizing table”.
The guidelines do not explicitly focus on foods, but the kinds of food that might cause hypothyroidism have always been listed in medicine books; if they are not mentioned in books of that kind it is because their authors do not want to cause damage to the market of some foods or calcium carbonated waters (after all there is the substitutive hormone...).
In other words, conventional medicine is not accustomed to correcting the metabolic type of a patient suffering from hypothyroidism with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, but at least it could follow the guidelines issued by the Ministry; instead, in the vast majority of cases, patients are just prescribed the hormone, without being advised about nutrition or being asked questions about other drugs or possible supplements they take.
Our medical examination in case of thyroid illnesses
At the Broussais Medical Centre, we have been gaining experience in the treatment of thyroid illnesses without using synthetic hormones for more than 10 years.
We have obtained great results; in addition, we have created a big file including the complete documentation referring to the recovery from several thyroid illnesses, some of which have been published in the “clinical cases” section.
Now, let’s see the procedure followed by a patient who comes to the Medical Centre for the first time...
First of all, the anamnesis, that is to say, the case history of the patient is reconstructed; then, clinical analyses, ultrasound scans and any other medical examinations are evaluated; so far, this is what every endocrinologist does.
In addition to this “conventional” part, our medical examination also includes a functional check-up which aims at obtaining a detailed functional diagnosis and at pinpointing possible energetic or metabolic imbalances, which is extremely important in order to treat a thyroid illness.
For instance, in many cases of hypothyroidism or thyroiditis, we deal with a “hypo-oxidative” metabolic type which recurs in people who have difficulty converting calories coming from food into heat and energy; correcting the metabolic type of a patient is crucial in order to treat the thyroid properly.
In addition to identifying the metabolic type of the patient, the check-up is able to single out and treat any other energetic-metabolic imbalance that could be responsible for thyroid disorders.
Once the medical examination is carried out, a specific treatment protocol is chosen for every single case: the term “protocol” is used because it is easier to be understood, even if in the field of integrated medicine, this word has a different meaning...
In fact, the “conventional protocol” is the same for every patient (the usual medical examinations are carried out and then the same hormone is prescribed for anyone), whilst in the field of Integrated Medicine, the “treatment protocol” is chosen among hundreds of protocols filed in our “database”, according to the specific characteristics of each patient. Therefore, it is an exclusive treatment plan elaborated at the Broussais Medical Centre.
How we cure the thyroid
As mentioned above, after the diagnosis is carried out, the treatment is formulated and based upon a synergy of many factors.
First of all, an optimal lifestyle and nutrition plan are laid out in order to correct the metabolic type of the patient as well as any other imbalance highlighted during the medical examination so as to reactivate the thyroid functioning.
In case the functional check-up singles out serious energetic imbalances, it is possible to undergo a single Bio-resonance session included in the medical examination, that is to say, a session based upon a natural energetic regulation technique without any side effects (MORA).
Furthermore, some bio-therapeutic remedies are prescribed according to the specific characteristics of the patient.
From time to time, bio-therapeutic remedies can be chosen amongst several types of natural medicine, from Homotoxicology to Phytotherapy, from Oligoelements to Organotherapy, including homeopathic Immunotherapy.
There is no need to add that these therapies do not cause any side effects and that they are prescribed only during the thyroid treatment.
Another specification should not be taken for granted: in the majority of cases, these therapies are not sufficient for the treatment of a thyroid pathology; for instance, prescribing the best homotoxicologic or homeopathic drug without treating the hypo-oxidative type of a patient who suffers from hypothyroidism would result in a complete failure.
After the medical examination, the patient will follow the prescribed therapeutic indications and, some months later, he/she will have new analyses before undergoing another medical examination.
At the Broussais Medical Centre, the treatment of thyroid pathologies is entrusted to a staff of doctors who adopt a specific diagnostic and therapeutic method, following detailed guidelines which have been codified over the years at our medical centre which is also one of the few European centres for integrated medicine to be on its way to get the ISO 9000 certification.
It means that every doctor working at the Broussais Medical Centre cannot leave these guidelines out of his consideration, which represents a security guarantee for the patient.
Any doctor who carries out a medical examination at the Broussais Medical Centre does exactly the same things as any other doctor, both on the diagnostic and on the therapeutic side. In fact, “guidelines” indicate that a doctor could never depart from the specific path which has been established, even if he wanted to.
Dr. Giuliano Pezzanera and Dr. Salvatore Simeone are the doctors who carry out medical examinations for thyroid illnesses at the Broussais Medical Centre.
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